Interior Conscription Number in Lviv

It seems these days there is quite a lot of renovation work being done in Lviv's building. On the one hand, this can pose a risk to remnants of the past, which in the process may be lost, painted over, or removed  but on the other hand, this can mean remnants are better preserved or even uncovered.

During recent renovation work in the entrance way of a building in Lviv's center old murals from the end of the nineteenth century were found under a layer paint. In the photos that were published there is also an old conscription number (however, not sure of it was uncovered during the work or whether it had always been visible). But in any case, this is the first example of an interior conscription number that I've seen in Lviv. I saw many such examples in Vienna, and one example in Przemysl.

Conscription number 1031, from District I (Halytska)



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