The Ukrainian Cultural Center in Tallinn: Preserving Vanishing Arts and Crafts
One of the highlights of my trip to Tallinn was my unexpected tour of the Ukrainian church and Ukrainian Cultural Center . The cultural center is located in a beautiful 14th c entury building located within the medieval walls of Tallinn ’s Old Town . The center includes a museum, which was created “ t o help preserve disappearing cultures. ” The museum showcases Ukrainian arts and crafts, as well as exhibits from Estonia, Russia, and the United States. The Grusbeke Tower , located about 25 meters from the center, now belongs to the center and has a collection of hand-made mechanical toys, as well as two wooden looms that are still used. A n integral part of the Ukrain ia n Cultural Center is the Labora Workshops . M edieval arts and crafts are taught and made with help of tools from the 19th and early 20th centuries . The center also promotes Ukrainian culture by offering workshops in making Ukrainian crafts. ...